Yeast Expression System Service

Yeast Expression System Service

The yeast expression system combines the advantages of prokaryotic and higher eukaryotic systems, with simple culture conditions, fast growth rate, high protein expression level, correct processing, modification and reasonable folding of proteins after translation, and can achieve secretory expression or intracellular expression, which is an ideal expression system for recombinant eukaryotic protein production. Hzymes Biotech has a complete platform for yeast expression and high-throughput screening , providing one-stop service such as high-copy cell line screening, protein expression/purification/large-scale preparation of recombinant protein.

200 + yeast intracellular / secretory expression protein experience, rich industrial experience accumulation, mature technology;
It has a platform for yeast fermentation expression and protein purification and has rich experience in industrial fermentation and purification process optimization, and has the ability of high-speed process development and in-depth optimization development;
Diversified vector libraries (pPICZα A, pYAM75P, pPIC9K, pGAPZa, etc.) and different types of host cell libraries (X33, GS115, SMD1168, KM71, etc.) can adapt to the expression of proteins with different characteristics
Complete experimental equipment, complete functional experimental site, 300 + R & D equipment to support diversified customer needs
Wide versatility, high safety, stability and expression efficiency; secretory expression and intracellular expression; expression of easily degradable protein; and good post-translational modification
Professional personnel + platform guarantee: PhD / master / undergraduate team improvement; molecular design platform / fermentation platform / purification platform / protein evaluation platform operation, to ensure the stable and rapid delivery service

Service content

Delivery content


Sequence optimization, yeast expression vector construction (optional)

Expression plasmid, and the sequence report


Screening of multicopy cell lines (optional)


Small-volume shake flasks for expression and protein purification

Protein samples, expression evaluation report


Optimization of fermentation process and purification process (optional)

Large amounts of protein fermentation, purification and preparation

Protein samples, and COA

- CASE -
Case Description:A customer needs express glycosylation protein, but found the protein continuous degradation, the final product with low purity, activity and poor stability after repeated attempts. Using Hzymes unique yeast expression system, the target protein showed good stability in the fermentation process. Eventually, we enriched the target protein for our customers, increasing its vitality by 5 times and achieving a purity of up to 95%.
Case 1: Fermentation and expression process development of easily degradable proteins
Case Description:A customer did not achieve the expected activity after expressing a certain protein in both large intestine and mammalian cells, after analysis found that the protein has a certain degree of glycosylation modification, at the same time contains more disulfide bond. After recommending the customer to use a yeast expression system, corresponding intracellular and extracellular secretion expression pathways were designed, and the final purification and enrichment of the target protein were achieved. The customer tested the activity well.
Case 2: Other systems have difficulty in expressing active protein expression
Lane M: Molecular weight marker
Lane 1: Fermentation supernatant before optimization
Lane 2: Fermentation supernatant after optimization
After optimization
Lane M: Molecular weight marker
Lane 1: Target Protein
Fig.1 Fermentation supernatant before & after optimization
Case 2: Exocytotic expression
Theoretical molecular weight: 67.7kDa
Apparent molecular weight after glycosylation modification: 100-130 kDa
Case 3: Intracellular expression
Theoretical molecular weight: 65.3kDa
Apparent molecular weight: 60-70 kDa
MRNA vaccines and drug-related services
Recombinant Protein
Expression CRDMO Services
Biopharmaceutical raw materials and quality control reagent kits
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